Required Curriculum for MBA Students

Fall Courses

WHCP 6160x: Management Communication (0.5CU)

This is one of two options for completing the communication requirement and, of the two, this option will have more available seats. This course focuses on how to clearly and persuasively articulate, advocate for, and defend your views as a presenter and writer in various business contexts and for a diverse range of audiences. You will learn the essentials of persuasion, gain confidence as a presenter, and receive individualized feedback from instructors and second-year TAs (Wharton Communication Fellows). Regardless of your skill level upon entry to the course, you will develop and demonstrate effective, business-oriented communication skills. Students will practice these skills through in-class exercises, discussions, and small-group labs.

WHCP 6180x: Entrepreneurial Communications (0.5CU)

This is the second option for completing the communication requirement. This course requires pre-approval and seats will be limited. Designed for students who are actively working on a startup idea while at Wharton, this course focuses on the unique challenges entrepreneurs face when communicating their idea, vision, and strategy. Students in this course will learn communication frameworks and best practices for pitching innovative ideas in a way that persuades others to appreciate their value. Through individualized feedback from their instructor, TA, and peers, students will hone their personal communication style and their pitch decks. At the conclusion of the course, students will have the opportunity to pitch their business idea to real investors.

WHCP 6210: Clear and Persuasive Business Writing

Students who are determined by the Communication Program to need additional writing support will be required to complete WHCP 6210: Clear and Persuasive Business Writing in the fall of their first year. This 0cu, pass/fail, course is designed to help students become effective business writers.

To support students’ diverse needs, we will offer separate sections of WHCP 6210 for native English speakers and for students who are less confident in their mastery of English. For the latter group, the Communication Program has partnered with Penn’s English Language Programs, the university’s experts in ESL education, to better support students as they hone their business writing skills in English. Please note that the content for the native English speaker and ESL sections of this course is fundamentally the same; the ESL sections simply offer more support tailored to the needs of writers for whom English is a second, third, or seventh language.


Spring Courses

WHCP 6160x: Management Communication (0.5CU)

This is one of two options for completing the communication requirement and, of the two, this option will have more available seats. This course focuses on how to clearly and persuasively articulate, advocate for, and defend your views as a presenter and writer in various business contexts and for a diverse range of audiences. You will learn the essentials of persuasion, gain confidence as a presenter, and receive individualized feedback from instructors and second-year TAs (Wharton Communication Fellows). Regardless of your skill level upon entry to the course, you will develop and demonstrate effective, business-oriented communication skills. Students will practice these skills through in-class exercises, discussions, and small-group labs.

WHCP 6180x: Entrepreneurial Communications (0.5CU)

This is the second option for completing the communication requirement. This course requires pre-approval and seats will be limited. Designed for students who are actively working on a startup idea while at Wharton, this course focuses on the unique challenges entrepreneurs face when communicating their idea, vision, and strategy. Students in this course will learn communication frameworks and best practices for pitching innovative ideas in a way that persuades others to appreciate their value. Through individualized feedback from their instructor, TA, and peers, students will hone their personal communication style and their pitch decks. At the conclusion of the course, students will have the opportunity to pitch their business idea to real investors.

WHCP 8930: Writing for Business Audiences (0.25CU)

In this course, students will learn advanced persuasive writing skills and how to apply those skills in a range of challenging business contexts. Throughout the course, students will receive detailed feedback on their writing and will leave the course more effective business writers.